The weather in Burgraviato
Weather forecasts for Saturday, 14.09.24
General weather conditions
The general weather situation will not change much. A northerly current will carry moist and cold air masses towards the Alps.
Min 10° - Max 20°
Weather today
Further precipitation is expected on the border with North and East Tyrol. The focus is still on the rear Ahrntal valley and the snow line is between 1200 m and 1500 m. Towards the south it will be a little friendlier but still windy and cool.
Min 1° - Max 24°
Weather tomorrow
Mo, 16.09
Min 2° - Max 22°
Min 2° - Max 22°
Tu, 17.09
Min 3° - Max 22°
Min 3° - Max 22°
We, 18.09
Min 2° - Max 23°
Min 2° - Max 23°